Sports Sticker


Summersemester sports sticker 20 euros
Sports sticker is valid until the end of August 2014. 
Notice! If you have full semester or summer semester sports sticker it is valid also on summer classes.

Payment Instructions

Sports sticker payment includes group fitness classes.

  • Sports sticker paid online payment here. After filling in the form you can pay online with banking details, credit card or PayPal. If you have problems with paying, please contact JAMKOs office.
  • JAMK Students can pick up their sports stickers from JAMKO office and service points. Sports sticker is affixed to student card. Students who are not members of JAMKO can pay sport card. If you buy this sport card you have to keep your ID card also with you.

 NOTICE: If you don’t have time to pick up you sport sticker before first participation time, keep the payment receipt with you.